Movement type table in sap

Movement type table in SAP is very important for functional specification preparation. SAP movement type table is mainly used to put any custom logic with movement type (BWART) key. Many times client wants to display the description of movement type. At that time also the knowledge about the movement type tables help a consultant. In this post you will get the list of all tables and some sort of details for understanding purpose.

S.No.SAP Movement type tableMovement type descriptionComments
01T156Movement TypeThis table is used to fetch the movement type key such as 101, 102, 201 etc.
02T156TMovement type description table in SAP (Movement Type Text)If you want to display the description of the movement type then go for T156T.
03T156AAssignment of RP Account Posting Type to Movement TypeWe can track the returnable packaging account postings
04T156BMovement Types: Screen SelectionScreen selection table. This table gets updated when we make screen specific change in SPRO for movement type.
05T156CStock Types and Their Values
06T156FFields in Quantity String
07T156HHelp Texts for Movement Type (up to Rel. 2.0, then T157H)
08T156HTMain Text for Movement Type
09T156KAccount Assignment Fields in Field Selection (up to 2.1)
10T156MPosting String: Quantity
11T156NNext Movement Type
12T156QMovement Type: Material-Independent Control
13T156SMovement Type: Quantities/Value Posting (Until Rel. 4.5B)
14T156SCMvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6A
15T156SYMvt Type: Qty/Value Update: System Table; Rel. 4.6A
16T156VAvailability Table
17T156WPosting string values
18T156XTrans./Event Key Modification
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