Top 100+ SAP PM Interview Questions and Answers

SAP PM interview questions and answers

SAP PM is a niche module among all other SAP modules. For a bright career in SAP PM module you need deep understanding of maintenance processes, reports, KPIs, maintenance history and costing. To know the maintenance processes there is no book available in market therefore it is difficult to build knowledge in maintenance processes. In … Read more

Top features of Measuring Point in SAP PM

Measuring point in SAP PM

Measuring point in SAP PM is an important master data where critical conditions are described about a technical object and its parameters. Here are the top important features of measuring points in SAP PM module. This post will give you deep knowledge with real industry examples, configuration and fiori app knowledge about measuring points. Please … Read more

Equipment master in SAP PM

Equipment master in SAP PM is a technical object which is used by production department or maintenance department for various purposes. It is important to track the maintenance cost and maintenance history log of equipment. SAP helps in doing so. By creating an equipment in SAP we can track cost and history individually. Definition Equipment … Read more

Characteristics in SAP PM

Characteristics in SAP PM A characteristics in SAP is a cross module application. It is used in PM, MM, PP, SD, QM etc modules. Here we will discuss application of Characteristics in SAP PM. Business Application In SAP PM module, Characteristics are used to represent certain business process related values. here are few examples: Examples … Read more

Class in SAP PM

Class in SAP PM Definition and Explanation Class in SAP PM to capture specifications of technical objects. For ex: There are thousands of motors in plant area, every motor has specifications like Voltage, current, power etc. now here we can see that specifications are same, only values are different. Therefore, we will use Class and … Read more

Counters in SAP PM

Counters in SAP PM Definition Counter in SAP PM is a master data. It represents the wear and tear of an object, consumption, or the reduction of an object’s useful life. Example Here are few examples of counters in SAP PM module. Counters are always created with reference to Equipment or Functional Location. How to … Read more

Functional Location in SAP PM

Functional Location in SAP PM I am writing this blog post to explain all important fields in functional location in sap pm screen. I have also given consulting tips and examples to help readers to understand the concept and prepare well for interviews. Definition Functional Location in SAP PM is an organizational unit in Logistics … Read more

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