Measuring point in SAP PM is an important master data where critical conditions are described about a technical object and its parameters. Here are the top important features of measuring points in SAP PM module. This post will give you deep knowledge with real industry examples, configuration and fiori app knowledge about measuring points.
Please refer below table of content for measuring point in SAP PM. You can click on any section and reach there directly.
1. Introduction
2. What is measuring point in SAP PM
3. Real Examples of measuring point in industry
4. How to create a measuring point in SAP GUI
5. What are standard SAP configuration settings available in Measuring point?
6. Fiori apps related to measuring points
7. Measuring point table in SAP PM
Let us understand measuring points in following bullet points. These bullet points will help you to handle your client and job interviews:

- Measuring point is an important of Master Data in SAP PM Module.
- It is important because it is used as a deciding factor in predictive maintenance.
- It is mainly used to monitor critical parameters in plant area
- It is used by production department also because they prepare a plant performance report on daily basis and share it with the production head.
- In the Production report they mention the status of various plant parameters
What is a measuring point in SAP PM ?
Measurng point in SAP PM is a physical or logical location in a technical object (equipment or functional location) where a particular status is described.
Real examples of measuring point in industry
There are lot of examples in industry where we can use measuring points. Here are few examples:

- Level indicator in a large tank full of Liquid Ammonia
- Temperature inside a reactor
- Speed of revolution of a wind wheel
- Insulation resistance of an electrical machine
- Vibrations of a compressor in a gas turbine generator.
Measuring point is always created with reference to a technical object (Equipment or Functional Location).
How to create Measuring Point in SAP PM in SAP GUI
Here is the step by step process to create a measuring point in SAP PM in SAP GUI:
- Step 1: Run T code IK01 or follow this path on easy access screen Logistics -> Plant Maintenance -> Management of Technical Objects -> Environment -> Measuring Points -> IK01 (Create)
- Step 2: Initial screen will appear.
- Step 3: Select IEQ as measuring point object, if you are creating measuring point with reference to Equipment. You can select IFL as measuring point object, if you want to create measuring point with reference to Functional Location.
- Step 4: Enter the Equipment number or functional location, with reference to which you want to create measuring point.
- Step 5: Select measuring point category. Generally we select M category. There are configuration settings related to measuring point category in SPRO. Configuration details are available in next section.
- Step 6: Enter Measuring Position. Here you can enter the measuring position.
- For example: In Equipment like Transformer, Silica Gel is a measuring position. Where electrical department monitors its condition on daily basis and record its condition in system.
- Step 7: Enter the description. Here you can enter the short description of measuring point (max 40 characters). You can also maintain the long description.
- Step 8: Enter characteristic. Characteristic brings the properties of the object which is under monitoring.
- For example: If we are monitoring Temperature of a reactor, then we will have to create a characteristic in CT04 t code, with unit of measurement Degree Celsius, no. of decimal places and total no. of digits.
- Step 9: Once characteristic is entered, automatically unit of measurement and no. of decimal places will copied to measuring point data.
- Step 10: Value Code Sufficient check box. If there is no measurement reading entry is required, only value code is sufficient.
- For example: In a machine, we want to check whether level of lubricant oil is OK or NOT OK. In such a case you do not required any unit of measurement and reading to enter. In such cases we SET this check box.
- Step 11: Enter code group. Code group is configured in QS41 T code. Code Group contains the code and code text.
- For example: Code Group can be Lubricant Level. Code can be 0001 and 0002 or could be an alpha numeric code. Code Text can be OK, NOT OK etc.
- Step 12: Enter Authorization Group. Authorization Group is used to restrict certain user to see and process measuring point.
- For example: Many times a particular department does not want other department to see and process their data, like mechanical department does not want electrical department to see their measuring point readings.
- Step 13: Enter Target value. Target value is the desired or the ideal value of measuring point reading. It is the optimum value of measuring point.
- Step 14: Click on the Additional Data button. A pop up box will appear.
- Step 15: Enter the upper range limit and lower range limit of measuring reading.
- For example: If we are recording the temperature of a reactor and we want to define a range of this temperature like upper limit = 250 C and lower limit = 150 C. Now if temperature goes beyond this range, then system will throw an error or warning message, depending upon the setting in SPRO.
- Step 16: Click on SAVE button and system will generate a new measuring point with a system generated number.
What are standard SAP configuration settings available in Measuring point?
Configuration in SAP PM includes controls on measuring point category, number range, field selection etc. Please check following image and bullet points related to configuration.

- Measuring point category: In standard SAP we can get two measuring point categories:
- Category M (general): This category is used for genrally all measuring points in a manufacturing unit. we can do following config settings with this category:
- Description: We can change the description of this category as per client requirement.
- Measuring Position uniqueness (MeasPosUniqnss): This configuration setting provides a flexibility if the measuring position can be unique for a technical object or unique across the client or it does not have to be unique at all. It helps in collecting a group of measuring points of a technical object or across client when we design a custom report, transaction in Fiori.
- Catalog type: Catalog type decides which catalog will be used to call the catalog group while capturing the condition of the measuring point such as OK or Not OK. Generally we use Catalog type C-Overview of damage.
- Measuring point reading message (MeasRge message): This setting decides if the measuring point reading goes beyond the permissible limits then a warning or error message will appear on task bar. If we set it as W then a warning message will appear and if it is set as E then a error message will appear. If we leave it blank then system will not give any message even if readings goes beyond upperor lower limit.
- Tolerance period (TolPeriod (sec)): In general we do not enter a measuring point reading in future but this setting provides a tolerance upto certain seconds for which we system allow to maintain the reading in future. For example: If the value of the Tolerance Period is 90 seconds and system time is 07:10:00 AM then we can maintain the measurement reading time as 07:11:30 AM while posting measurement document. We cannot go beyond 07:11:30 AM. The maximum value allowed here is 999999999 seconds. This setting can be used when we transfer measuring point reading from one system to another thru interface. There can be a change in system timing in two systems so a tolerance of 30 seconds can be recommended to client.
- Category L (Linear): Category L is used for measuring points on the linear assets. In the measuring point main screen linear data screen appears on the main screen. It can be populate the linear data from equipment master into measuring point main screen. There is a separate check box provided which needs to be set [X] to activate linear parameters display in measuring point main screen.
- Category M (general): This category is used for genrally all measuring points in a manufacturing unit. we can do following config settings with this category:
- Number range of measuring points: Number range of measuring points should cover a big range because number of measuring points in an organization can go beyond 10 million. So be carefull while defining measuring points number range. Discuss the estimated count of measuring point during the client workshop in business blueprint phase.
- Field selection of measuring point: Here we can make a certain field mandatory, hide or grey at the measuring point category level.
Important Fiori Apps related to measuring points in SAP PM
Here is the list of Fiori apps which can be used to manage and process measuring points:
- Asset viewer: This is a Web Dynpro based app. This app contains information related to a technical object. it can show the list of all measuring points created with reference to the technical object.
- Create measuring point: It is an SAP GUI based Fiori app. It is used to create the measuring point. The screen is same as it appears with t code IK01 in SAP GUI.
- Change measuring point: It is an SAP GUI based Fiori app. It is used to change the measuring point. The screen is same as it appears with t code IK02 in SAP GUI. You can change the details of a measuring point such as description, upper range, lower range etc.
- Display measuring point: It is an SAP GUI based Fiori app. It is used to Display the measuring point. The screen is same as it appears with t code IK03 in SAP GUI. You can display the details of a measuring point such as description, upper range, lower range etc.
- Process measuring point: It is a Web Dynpro based Fiori app. Using this single Fiori app we can create, change and display measuring point. It is an all in one app.
Measuring point table in SAP PM
Following measuring point tables in SAP PM are widely used in custom developments:
Table | Description |
CLFT1 | Customizing for Reference Object Screen for Vehicle Data |
EAM_IFCU | Goods Movement for Technical Object |
IMEL | Entry List for Measurement Documents |
IMEP | Items in the Entry List |
IMPH | Measurement and Counter Reading Transmission History |
IMPTT | Measuring Point (Table) |
IMRCCUST | System Settings for Measuring Points and Measurement Docs |
IMRG | Measurement Document |
IMRG_TEST_LOG | Log file for imrg tester |
IMTR | Termination of MeasRead. Data Transfer to Measuring Points |
INHB_MP_TRANS | Meas. Pt: TRANS – Post Logic for Transferring Meas. Vals |
T370CON_TOL | PM: Tolerance for Consumption Control Check |
T370CON_TOL_T | PM: Tolerance for Consumption Control Check Texts |
T370FLD_GMOVE | Movement/Account Assignment Usage Transaction |
T370FLD_GMOVE_T | Goods Movement/Account Assignmt Consumpt Transactn Texts |
T370FLD_MAT | Fluid Types |
T370FLD_STN | PM: Gas Stations for Fleet Management |
T370FLD_STN_T | PM: Gas Stations for Fleet Management, Texts |
T370O | Object Categories Allowed for MeasPoints and MeasDocuments |
T370P | Measuring Point Category |
T370P_T | Language-Dependent Texts for T370P |