Counters in SAP PM
Counter in SAP PM is a master data. It represents the wear and tear of an object, consumption, or the reduction of an object’s useful life.
Here are few examples of counters in SAP PM module.
- The milometer for a vehicle can be measured as kilimeters or miles
- Electricity meter reading for an electric-powered system.
- Running hours of a machines can be captured as counters in SAP PM.
Counters are always created with reference to Equipment or Functional Location.
How to create Counter in SAP PM
- Step 1: Run T code IK01 or follow this path on easy access screen Logistics -> Plant Maintenance -> Management of Technical Objects -> Environment -> Counters -> IK01 (Create)
- Step 2: Initial screen will appear.
- Step 3: Select IEQ as Counters object, if you are creating Counters with reference to Equipment. You can select IFL as Counters object, if you want to create Counters with reference to Functional Location.
- Step 4: Enter the Equipment number or functional location, with reference to which you want to create Counters.
- Step 5: Select Measuring Point category. Generally we select M category. There are configuration settings related to Measuring Point category in SPRO. We will discuss them in detail in coming posts.
- Step 6: Set the Check Box with description Measuring Point is a counter.
- Step 7: Enter Measuring Position. Here you can enter the measuring position.
- For example: In Equipment like Motor, Running Hours is a Counter. Where electrical department counts the running hours and after reaching certain value they perform Preventive Maintenance.
- Step 8: Enter the description. Here you can enter the short description of Counters (max 40 characters). You can also maintain the long description.
- Step 9: Enter characteristic. Characteristic brings the properties of the object which is under monitoring.
- For example: If we are counting Running Hours, then we will have to create a characteristic in CT04 t code, with unit of measurement Hours and total no. of digits.
- Step 10: Once characteristic is entered, automatically unit of measurement and no. of decimal places will copied to Counters data.
- Step 11: Enter Authorization Group. Authorization Group is used to restrict certain user to see and process Counters.
- For example: Many times a particular department does not want other department to see and process their data, like mechanical department does not want electrical department to see their Counters readings.
- Step 13: Enter Counter Overflow Reading. It is the reading after which counter will again start from zero.
- For example: In a vehicle like Car. Once reading reaches the last value 99999999, then it will again starts from zero. Now, 9999999 is the counter overflow reading.
- Step 14: Enter Annual Estimate. It is the counter reading increase or decrease that is expected in a year. This helps in Counter Based Preventive Maintenance for calculating intervals.
- Step 15: Enter a Counter backward check box only if your counter runs backwards.
Click on SAVE Button. Once saved it will acquire a system generated number.