SAP PM tables list is necessary to build logic for custom objects and functional specifications writing. Knowledge about SAP PM tables empower you while cracking SAP PM interviews.
There are three types of SAP Tables:
- Master Data tables,
- Transaction Data tables and
- Configuration data table (Starts with the alphabet ‘T’)
In this post I have shown the list of SAP PM tables with topic names. The SAP PM Tables list is latest as per S4HANA.
SAP PM Tables list
Here is the list of SAP PM tables:
Organization Structure tables
S.No. | TableName | Description | Purpose |
1 | T001W | Plants/Branches | * Maint. Plant and Planning Plant assignment is available here * Description of Plant can be fetched in this table. * Description of plant can be used in Z forms and Z reports |
2 | T399I | Planning Plant Parameters | A Plant will have entry here if it is a Planning Plant |
3 | T499S | Location | * The location and its assignment to plant is available in this table. * It can be used in various forms and reports. |
4 | T357 | Plant Section | * Plant section assigned to a plant is aailable here * Description of Plant Section is also available in this table. |
5 | T024I | Maintenance planner groups | * Planner group assigned to planning plant is available * Planner group description is available in this table |
Master Data Tables
Here is the list of SAP PM master data tables. These tables can be used to fetch master data in various RICEFW developments:
Equipment tables list
Equipment related tables contains the equipment id, category, description, object type, manufacturer details etc.
S.No. | TableName | Description | Purpose |
1 | EQUI | Equipment master data | * Contains the important master data of an equipment under General, Structure and Organization tabs |
2 | EQKT | Equipment Short Texts | * With non-english clients this table can be used to display equipment description in different languages * Equipment description is available in different languages |
3 | EQUZ | Equipment time segment | |
4 | IHPA | Plant Maintenance: Partners | |
5 | T024I | Maintenance planner groups | * This is a configuration table to fetch the description of planner group |
6 | T370T | Equipment categories | * Equipment category with description |
7 | T370U | Language-dependent texts for T370T | * Equipment category description in different languages |
8 | T370Z | History-related fields |
Functional Location tables list
Functional location tables contain the FLOC label, structure indicator, general, structure and organization tab data.
S.No | TableName | Description | Purpose |
1 | IFLO | Functional Location View | |
2 | IFLOT | Functional Location table | |
3 | IFLOTX | Functional Location: Short Texts | |
4 | IHPA | Plant Maintenance: Partners | |
5 | ILOA | PM Object Location and Account Assignment | |
6 | IFLOS | Functional Location Labels | |
7 | IFLOTX | Functional Location: Short Texts | |
8 | IRLO | Generated Table for View of reference functional location | |
9 | IRLOT | Reference Functional Location (Table) | |
10 | IRLOTX | Reference Functional Location: Short Texts | |
11 | ITOBCUST | System Settings for Alternative Labeling of FunctLocations | |
12 | IFLOALT | Labeling Systems for Functional Locations | |
13 | IFLOALT_T | Labeling Systems for Functional Locations: Short Texts | |
14 | T357 | Plant Section | |
15 | T370 | Start Values for PM Master Data Transactions | |
16 | T370F | Functional Location Category | |
17 | T370F_T | Language-Dependent Texts for Functional Location Category | |
18 | T370R | Reference Functional Location Category | |
19 | T370R_T | Language-Dependent Texts for T370R | |
20 | T370S | Functional Location Structure Indicators | |
21 | T370S_T | Language-Dependent Texts for functional location structure indicators |
Measuring Points and Counters table list
Measuring Points and counters tables help in various enhancements. Specially when we do any enhancement related to the values we capture for each measuring point.
S.No. | TableName | Description | Purpose |
1 | IMEL | Entry List for Measurement Documents | |
2 | IMEP | Items in the Entry List | |
3 | IMPH | Measurement and Counter Reading Transmission History | |
4 | IMPTT | Measuring Point (Main Table) | |
5 | IMRG | Measurement Document | |
6 | IMTR | Termination of MeasRead. Data Transfer to Measuring Points | |
7 | T370O | Object Categories Allowed for MeasPoints and MeasDocuments | |
8 | T370P | Measuring Point Category | |
9 | T370P_T | Language-Dependent Texts for Measuring Point Category |
Main Work Center tables
Main work center tables are important when we write logic to determine the capacity, personnel number, cost center and activity type assigned to the work center.
S.No. | TableName | Description | Purpose |
1 | CRHD | Work Center Header | |
2 | CRCA | Work Center Capacity Allocation | |
3 | CRCO | Assignment of Work Center to Cost Center | |
4 | CRTX | Text for the Work Center or Production Resource/Tool | |
5 | CRCIFOBJ | Object IDs of changed capacities | |
6 | CRHH | Hierarchy Header Data | |
7 | CRHS | Hierarchy Structure | |
8 | CRID | CIM Resource – Entities | |
9 | KAKO | Capacity Header Segment | |
10 | KAKT | Capacity Description | |
11 | KAPA | Shift Parameters for Available Capacity | |
12 | KAPE | Capacity unit of measure allocation | |
13 | KAZY | Interval of Available Capacity | |
14 | T024C | Planner Group for CAPP | |
15 | T421 | Wage groups | |
16 | T421T | Language-dependent texts for T421: Wage groups | |
17 | T423 | Wage group qualification | |
18 | T423T | Language-dependent texts for T423: Qualifications/Wage grp. | |
19 | T428 | Setup Type Key | |
20 | T428T | Language-dependent texts for T428: Setup type key | |
21 | T430 | Operation/Activity control key | |
22 | T430T | Language-dependent text table for the control key T430 | |
23 | T435 | Standard texts for routing/ref. op set items | |
24 | T435T | Language-dependent texts for T435: Standard text key | |
25 | TC10 | Initial values for CIM screen sequence | |
26 | T499S | Location | |
27 | TC20 | Formula Parameters | |
28 | TC20T | Text for parameter ID | |
29 | TC21 | Standard value key | |
30 | TC21T | Language-dependent texts for TC21: Standard value key | |
31 | TC22 | Field Name of Value from Transport Structure | |
32 | TC22T | Field Name of Value from Transport Structure | |
33 | TC23 | Key for use of the work center in the task lists | |
34 | TC23A | Valid types for the work center | |
35 | TC23T | Language-dependent texts for TC23: Usage key | |
36 | TC24 | Person responsible for the work center | |
37 | TC25 | Work center formulas | |
38 | TC25T | Short text for the formula | |
39 | TC26 | Capacity category | |
40 | TC26D | Default values for capacity | |
41 | TC26T | Description of the capacity category | |
42 | TC27 | Capacity planner groups | |
43 | TC27T | Text for the capacity planner group | |
44 | TC28 | Location groups | |
45 | TC28A | Move time matrix | |
46 | TC28T | Description of the location group | |
47 | TC30 | Work center category | |
48 | TC30A | Work center categories | |
49 | TC30C | Work center category screen selection | |
50 | TC30D | Defaults for the work center | |
51 | TC30T | Text for the work center category |
Maintenance Plan Tables
Maintenance Plan tables contains all three types of plan data. It has tables related to header and item data. In addition to that it also contains the tables related to strategy and cycle sets. Please have a look on the tables and learn.
S.No. | TableName | Description | Purpose |
1 | MPLA | Maintenance plan header | |
2 | MPOS | Maintenance item | |
3 | MHIO | Call Object from Maintenance Order | |
4 | MHIS | Maintenance plan history | |
5 | MMPT | Cycle definitions and MeasPoints for MaintPlan | |
6 | MMPX | Maintenance cycle short texts | |
7 | MPLAN_STRAT_UPD | Maintenance Plans Relevant to Restart in Cycle | |
8 | T351 | Maintenance strategy | |
9 | T351_OLD | Old Status of Maintenance Strategy | |
10 | T351P | Maintenance packages | |
11 | T351P_OLD | Old Version of Maintenance Packages | |
12 | T351T | Maintenance strategy texts | |
13 | T351X | Maintenance strategy package texts | |
14 | T399G | Maintenance Plan Sort Field | |
15 | T399G_T | Descriptions for Maintenance Plan Sort Fields | |
16 | T399P | Maintenance item category parameter | |
17 | T399W | Maintenance Plan Category Parameter |
Task List Tables
Task list tables contain all types of task lists.
S.No. | TableName | Table Description | Purpose |
1 | PLKO | Task list – header | |
2 | PLPO | Task list – operation/activity | |
3 | PLAS | Task list- selection of operations/activities | |
4 | PLKZ | Task list: main header | |
5 | PLWP | Allocation of maintenance packages to Task list operations | |
6 | TAPL | Allocation of Task lists to functional locations | |
7 | EAPL | Allocation of Task lists to pieces of equipment |
Transaction Data Tables
Notification tables list
Notification tables are used in custom report, forms, enhancements and workflow related development work. Here are important Maintenance notification tables:
S.No. | TableName | Description | Purpose |
1 | QMEL | Maintenance/ Quality Notification | |
2 | QMFE | Maintenance/ Quality notification – items | |
3 | QMIH | Maintenance/ Quality message – maintenance data excerpt | |
4 | QMMA | Maintenance/ Quality notification – activities | |
5 | QMSM | Maintenance/ Quality notification – tasks | |
6 | QMUR | Maintenance/ Quality notification – cause | |
7 | QNAOC_NTYPE | Linkage of Notification Types to Object Categories | |
8 | QNAOC_OBJCAT | Object categories | |
9 | QNAOC_OBJCATT | Object Categories – Text Table | |
10 | QNAOD_AOBJECT | Assigned Objects for Notification Item | |
11 | T352B | Technical report | |
12 | T352B_T | Catalog profile texts | |
13 | T355E | Response time monitor | |
14 | T355E_T | Response profile text | |
15 | T355E_W | Response times | |
16 | T355R | Service window | |
17 | T355R_T | Service window text | |
18 | T355R_W | Service window | |
19 | T356 | Priorities | |
20 | T356_T | Priority text | |
21 | T356A | Priority type table | |
22 | T356A_T | Priority type texts | |
23 | T357A | Effect of malfunction on the system | |
24 | T357A_T | Texts for effect of malfunction on the system | |
25 | T357M | Machine operating condition | |
26 | T357Z | Syst.Condition | |
27 | T357Z_T | System condition – Text table | |
28 | T365 | Initial values for PM notification transactions | |
29 | T365A | Start values for notification transactions – Customizing | |
30 | T390D | PM: Destinations and database names for download | |
31 | TIH02 | Field Selection for Partner Addresses | |
32 | TIWOL | Control table for SAPLIWOL – Object list | |
33 | TQ80 | Notification Types | |
34 | TQ80_PR | QM Process | |
35 | TQ80_PRT | QM Process (Text Table) | |
36 | TQ80_T | Notification type texts | |
37 | TQ80O | Object info parameters | |
38 | TQ8T | Notification category | |
39 | TQ8T_T | Notication category texts | |
40 | TQBER | Notification: Tabstrip Division | |
41 | TQBERT | Notification: Tab Strip Distribution Text Table | |
42 | TQBT | Screen type table for subscreen | |
43 | TQBTT | Screen category text table for subscreen | |
44 | TQSCR | Notification: Screen control | |
45 | TQSCRT | Notification: Text table heading tabstrip | |
46 | TQSUB | Notification: Subscreen control for notification | |
47 | TQSUBT | Notification: Subscreen control for notification text table | |
48 | TQTABS | Notification: Contol table tabstrip function code | |
49 | TQTABST | Notification: Tabstrip Control | |
50 | TWOBL | Control table for SAPLIWOL – Object list |
Maintenance Order tables List
Maintenance order tables list is here:
S.No. | TableName | Description | Purpose |
1 | AFIH | Maintenance order header | |
2 | AUFM | Goods movements for order | |
3 | AUFK | Order master data | |
4 | AFKO | Header Data in PP Orders | |
5 | AFPO | Order Item | |
6 | AFFL | Work order sequence | |
7 | ILOA | PM Object Location and Account Assignment | |
8 | AFVC | Operation within an order | |
9 | AFAB | Network – Relationships | |
10 | AFFH | PRT assignment data for the work order | |
11 | AFFL | Work order sequence | |
12 | AFFT | Order – Process Instructions | |
13 | AFFV | Order – Process Instruction Values | |
14 | AFFW | Goods movements with errors from confirmations | |
15 | AFRD | Default values for collective confirmation | |
16 | AFRH | Header information for confirmation pool | |
17 | AFRU | Order completion confirmations | |
18 | AFRV | Confirmations pool | |
19 | VIAUFKS | PM Order Selection | |
20 | T350 | Maintenance Control Parameters: Client/Order Type | |
21 | T350E | Access sequence addresses for address proposal purch. data | |
22 | T350I | Combination of order type and PM activity type allowed | |
23 | T350W | Maintenance control parameters: Order type plant | |
24 | T352R | Maintenance revisions | |
25 | T353I | Maintenance activity types | |
26 | T353I_T | Maintenance activity type description | |
27 | T357M_T | Operating condition texts | |
28 | T399I | Planning plant parameters | |
29 | T399J | Maintenance parameters (client) | |
30 | T418V | Item category proposal for component assignment | |
31 | TEAMS | Table for Controlling the Setting of Statuses | |
32 | TPEXT | Profile for external procurement | |
33 | TPEXT_T | Text tables for profiles (external procurement) | |
34 | TPMIM | IM allocation key | |
35 | TPMP | Maintenance profile | |
36 | TPMPO | Maintenance order processing profile | |
37 | TPMUC | Deactivate the Update Check CO_ZV_CONSISTENCY_CHECK | |
38 | TPMUS | PM/SM – User default values |