SAP PM Tables list


SAP PM tables list is necessary to build logic for custom objects. Knwoledge about SAP PM tanles not only empower you in functional specification writing but also while cracking SAP PM interviews. There are three types of SAP Tables:

  1. Master Data tables,
  2. Transaction Data tables and
  3. Configuration data table (Starts with the alphabet ‘T’)

In this post I have shown the list of SAP PM tables with topic names. The SAP PM Tables list is latest as per S4HANA.

SAP PM Tables list

SAP PM Tables list

Here is the list of SAP PM tables:

Organization Structure tables

1T001WPlants/Branches* Maint. Plant and Planning Plant assignment is available here
* Description of Plant can be fetched in this table.
* Description of plant can be used in Z forms and Z reports
2T399IPlanning Plant ParametersA Plant will have entry here if it is a Planning Plant
3T499SLocation* The location and its assignment to plant is available in this table.
* It can be used in various forms and reports.
4T357Plant Section* Plant section assigned to a plant is aailable here
* Description of Plant Section is also available in this table.
5T024IMaintenance planner groups* Planner group assigned to planning plant is available
* Planner group description is available in this table

Master Data Tables

Here is the list of SAP PM master data tables. These tables can be used to fetch master data in various RICEFW developments:

Equipment tables list

Equipment related tables contains the equipment id, category, description, object type, manufacturer details etc.

1EQUIEquipment master data* Contains the important master data of an equipment under General, Structure and Organization tabs
2EQKTEquipment Short Texts* With non-english clients this table can be used to display equipment description in different languages
* Equipment description is available in different languages
3EQUZEquipment time segment
4IHPAPlant Maintenance: Partners
5T024IMaintenance planner groups* This is a configuration table to fetch the description of planner group
6T370TEquipment categories* Equipment category with description
7T370ULanguage-dependent texts for T370T* Equipment category description in different languages
8T370ZHistory-related fields

Functional Location tables list

Functional location tables contain the FLOC label, structure indicator, general, structure and organization tab data.

1IFLOFunctional Location View
2IFLOTFunctional Location table
3IFLOTXFunctional Location: Short Texts
4IHPAPlant Maintenance: Partners
5ILOAPM Object Location and Account Assignment
6IFLOSFunctional Location Labels
7IFLOTXFunctional Location: Short Texts
8IRLOGenerated Table for View of reference functional location
9IRLOTReference Functional Location (Table)
10IRLOTXReference Functional Location: Short Texts
11ITOBCUSTSystem Settings for Alternative Labeling of FunctLocations
12IFLOALTLabeling Systems for Functional Locations
13IFLOALT_TLabeling Systems for Functional Locations: Short Texts
14T357Plant Section
15T370Start Values for PM Master Data Transactions
16T370FFunctional Location Category
17T370F_TLanguage-Dependent Texts for Functional Location Category
18T370RReference Functional Location Category
19T370R_TLanguage-Dependent Texts for T370R
20T370SFunctional Location Structure Indicators
21T370S_TLanguage-Dependent Texts for functional location structure indicators

Measuring Points and Counters table list

Measuring Points and counters tables help in various enhancements. Specially when we do any enhancement related to the values we capture for each measuring point.

1IMELEntry List for Measurement Documents
2IMEPItems in the Entry List
3IMPHMeasurement and Counter Reading Transmission History
4IMPTTMeasuring Point (Main Table)
5IMRGMeasurement Document
6IMTRTermination of MeasRead. Data Transfer to Measuring Points
7T370OObject Categories Allowed for MeasPoints and MeasDocuments
8T370PMeasuring Point Category
9T370P_TLanguage-Dependent Texts for Measuring Point Category

Main Work Center tables

Main work center tables are important when we write logic to determine the capacity, personnel number, cost center and activity type assigned to the work center.

1CRHDWork Center Header
2CRCAWork Center Capacity Allocation
3CRCOAssignment of Work Center to Cost Center
4CRTXText for the Work Center or Production Resource/Tool
5CRCIFOBJObject IDs of changed capacities
6CRHHHierarchy Header Data
7CRHSHierarchy Structure
8CRIDCIM Resource – Entities
9KAKOCapacity Header Segment
10KAKTCapacity Description
11KAPAShift Parameters for Available Capacity
12KAPECapacity unit of measure allocation
13KAZYInterval of Available Capacity
14T024CPlanner Group for CAPP
15T421Wage groups
16T421TLanguage-dependent texts for T421: Wage groups
17T423Wage group qualification
18T423TLanguage-dependent texts for T423: Qualifications/Wage grp.
19T428Setup Type Key
20T428TLanguage-dependent texts for T428: Setup type key
21T430Operation/Activity control key
22T430TLanguage-dependent text table for the control key T430
23T435Standard texts for routing/ref. op set items
24T435TLanguage-dependent texts for T435: Standard text key
25TC10Initial values for CIM screen sequence
27TC20Formula Parameters
28TC20TText for parameter ID
29TC21Standard value key
30TC21TLanguage-dependent texts for TC21: Standard value key
31TC22Field Name of Value from Transport Structure
32TC22TField Name of Value from Transport Structure
33TC23Key for use of the work center in the task lists
34TC23AValid types for the work center
35TC23TLanguage-dependent texts for TC23: Usage key
36TC24Person responsible for the work center
37TC25Work center formulas
38TC25TShort text for the formula
39TC26Capacity category
40TC26DDefault values for capacity
41TC26TDescription of the capacity category
42TC27Capacity planner groups
43TC27TText for the capacity planner group
44TC28Location groups
45TC28AMove time matrix
46TC28TDescription of the location group
47TC30Work center category
48TC30AWork center categories
49TC30CWork center category screen selection
50TC30DDefaults for the work center
51TC30TText for the work center category

Maintenance Plan Tables

Maintenance Plan tables contains all three types of plan data. It has tables related to header and item data. In addition to that it also contains the tables related to strategy and cycle sets. Please have a look on the tables and learn.

1MPLAMaintenance plan header
2MPOSMaintenance item
3MHIOCall Object from Maintenance Order
4MHISMaintenance plan history
5MMPTCycle definitions and MeasPoints for MaintPlan
6MMPXMaintenance cycle short texts
7MPLAN_STRAT_UPDMaintenance Plans Relevant to Restart in Cycle
8T351Maintenance strategy
9T351_OLDOld Status of Maintenance Strategy
10T351PMaintenance packages
11T351P_OLDOld Version of Maintenance Packages
12T351TMaintenance strategy texts
13T351XMaintenance strategy package texts
14T399GMaintenance Plan Sort Field
15T399G_TDescriptions for Maintenance Plan Sort Fields
16T399PMaintenance item category parameter
17T399WMaintenance Plan Category Parameter

Task List Tables

Task list tables contain all types of task lists.

S.No.TableNameTable DescriptionPurpose
1PLKOTask list – header
2PLPOTask list – operation/activity
3PLASTask list- selection of operations/activities
4PLKZTask list: main header
5PLWPAllocation of maintenance packages to Task list operations
6TAPLAllocation of Task lists to functional locations
7EAPLAllocation of Task lists to pieces of equipment

Transaction Data Tables

Notification tables list

Notification tables are used in custom report, forms, enhancements and workflow related development work. Here are important Maintenance notification tables:

1QMELMaintenance/ Quality Notification
2QMFEMaintenance/ Quality notification – items
3QMIHMaintenance/ Quality message – maintenance data excerpt
4QMMAMaintenance/ Quality notification – activities
5QMSMMaintenance/ Quality notification – tasks
6QMURMaintenance/ Quality notification – cause
7QNAOC_NTYPELinkage of Notification Types to Object Categories
8QNAOC_OBJCATObject categories
9QNAOC_OBJCATTObject Categories – Text Table
10QNAOD_AOBJECTAssigned Objects for Notification Item
11T352BTechnical report
12T352B_TCatalog profile texts
13T355EResponse time monitor
14T355E_TResponse profile text
15T355E_WResponse times
16T355RService window
17T355R_TService window text
18T355R_WService window
20T356_TPriority text
21T356APriority type table
22T356A_TPriority type texts
23T357AEffect of malfunction on the system
24T357A_TTexts for effect of malfunction on the system
25T357MMachine operating condition
27T357Z_TSystem condition – Text table
28T365Initial values for PM notification transactions
29T365AStart values for notification transactions – Customizing
30T390DPM: Destinations and database names for download
31TIH02Field Selection for Partner Addresses
32TIWOLControl table for SAPLIWOL – Object list
33TQ80Notification Types
34TQ80_PRQM Process
35TQ80_PRTQM Process (Text Table)
36TQ80_TNotification type texts
37TQ80OObject info parameters
38TQ8TNotification category
39TQ8T_TNotication category texts
40TQBERNotification: Tabstrip Division
41TQBERTNotification: Tab Strip Distribution Text Table
42TQBTScreen type table for subscreen
43TQBTTScreen category text table for subscreen
44TQSCRNotification: Screen control
45TQSCRTNotification: Text table heading tabstrip
46TQSUBNotification: Subscreen control for notification
47TQSUBTNotification: Subscreen control for notification text table
48TQTABSNotification: Contol table tabstrip function code
49TQTABSTNotification: Tabstrip Control
50TWOBLControl table for SAPLIWOL – Object list

Maintenance Order tables List

Maintenance order tables list is here:

1AFIHMaintenance order header
2AUFMGoods movements for order
3AUFKOrder master data
4AFKOHeader Data in PP Orders
5AFPOOrder Item
6AFFLWork order sequence
7ILOAPM Object Location and Account Assignment
8AFVCOperation within an order
9AFABNetwork – Relationships
10AFFHPRT assignment data for the work order
11AFFLWork order sequence
12AFFTOrder – Process Instructions
13AFFVOrder – Process Instruction Values
14AFFWGoods movements with errors from confirmations
15AFRDDefault values for collective confirmation
16AFRHHeader information for confirmation pool
17AFRUOrder completion confirmations
18AFRVConfirmations pool
19VIAUFKSPM Order Selection
20T350Maintenance Control Parameters: Client/Order Type
21T350EAccess sequence addresses for address proposal purch. data
22T350ICombination of order type and PM activity type allowed
23T350WMaintenance control parameters: Order type plant
24T352RMaintenance revisions
25T353IMaintenance activity types
26T353I_TMaintenance activity type description
27T357M_TOperating condition texts
28T399IPlanning plant parameters
29T399JMaintenance parameters (client)
30T418VItem category proposal for component assignment
31TEAMSTable for Controlling the Setting of Statuses
32TPEXTProfile for external procurement
33TPEXT_TText tables for profiles (external procurement)
34TPMIMIM allocation key
35TPMPMaintenance profile
36TPMPOMaintenance order processing profile
37TPMUCDeactivate the Update Check CO_ZV_CONSISTENCY_CHECK
38TPMUSPM/SM – User default values
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