Organization Structure in SAP PM

Organization Structure in SAP PM

Organization Structure in SAP PM includes following elements:

  1. Maintenance Plant
  2. Planning Plant
  3. Location
  4. Plant Section
  5. Planner group
  6. Main Work Center

Let us discuss each element of organization structure in SAP PM in this article.

Maintenance Plant


Maintenance Plant: Maintenance Plant is an organization element in PM where all the technical objects (Equipment, Functional Location) are physically installed. Whenever, SAP MM Consultant creates a Plant in Enterprise Structure, system automatically creates a logical Maintenance Plant in PM Module.

It is a 4 digit alphanumeric key.

Realistic Example

Maintenance Plant name can be all numbers such as 1000, 2000 etc. In that way we can go upto 9999.

We can also define it as A100, B100 etc. Here we can use the 26 alphabest and number upto 999.

Sometime companies use all phabetsin nomenclature. For ex: BMWG – BMW Germany Plant.

Planning Plant


Planning Plant: Planning Plant is the place in organization where all the maintenance planning activities takes place. It is created in Enterprise structure in SPRO (How to create a Planning Plant?). Planning Plant is assigned to Maintenance plant, depending upon the type of maintenance planning.

It is a 4 digit alphanumeric key.

Realiztic Example

Planning Plant and maintenance plant nomenclature is same. But the decision on planning plan depends on the type of planning. I recommend you to read my blog post on types of planning.



Location is created in SPRO. It represents the critical locations in a plant area where we have machinery. We have very good reports based on Location. Locations are used for informative assignment only. It is assignedin equipment and functional location master data.

Location is assigned to Plant in enterprise structure.

It is a 10 Character alphanumeric key.

Realistic Example

Location can be BOILER, COOLING TOWER, PACKAGING etc. We have standard SAP Reports based on Location where we can analyze locationwise maintenance history and cost.

Plant Section


Plant Section: Plant sections are operation areas in a maintenance plant. These are sub-areas of maintenance plants. Plant and machinery used by operations department are installed in plant sections. It is a three digit alphanumeric key. In SAP it represents the production incharge but none of the client agrees to put the name of production incharge therefore we put the ID of that plant section here.
Plant sections are assigned to Maintenance plants.

It is a 3 digit alphanumeric key.

Realistic Example

Plant section is generally used as an actual section inphysical structure of manufacturing unit.

For ex: PL1 – Production Line 1, BY1 – Bay 1 etc

Planner Group


Planner Group: Planner Group is basically the group of employees who carry out the complete maintenance planning. They work at the Planning Plant where complete maintenance planning is carried out. In a nut shell, Planner group carry out planning at Planning Plant. Therefore Planner Group is always created with respect to Planning Plant.

It is a 3 digit alphanumeric key.

Realistic Example

WE can recommend planner group as ELE- Electrical, MEC- Mechanical, INS – Instrumentation, CVL – Civil, SHA – Shift A, SHB – SHift B etc.

Main Work Center


Main Work Center: Main work center is the group of people who work in the plant to execute the maintenance work in the field. It is created with reference to Plant. We can add capacity to a maintenance work center along with their employee ids.

It is a 8 digit alphanumeric key.

Realistic Example

We can create Main Work Center using t code IR01 or CR01 and Fiori App Manage Work Centers. We can recommed the main work center as ELEC0001 – Electrical Field Maintenance, MECWORK – Mechanical Workshop etc.

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